

Troy L. Campbell


Before he was anointed to be a “man of the cloth”, Pastor Troy (as he is affectionately known) was a young boy overtaken by the gangs, drugs and violence that dominated his hometown of Compton. Excelling in the private school he attended was not enough to drown out the allure of fast money, fast cars and the deceptive appeal of living in the fast lane. And after several years of a life offering nothing more than jail time, close calls with death and the loss of friends to gang violence, Pastor Troy came to the conscious conclusion that his life was spiraling completely out of control.


A close encounter with Jesus

Led to Pastor Troy giving full control of his life over to God and that one decision radically changed the course of his destiny forever. At the fresh young age of only 22 years old, Pastor Troy went from the hood life of street crimes to becoming a Youth Minister as well as a kindergarten through eighth grade P.E. teacher. Pastor Troy is the true epitome of God’s promise to take what the devil meant for evil and use it for good.



Fueled with a passion for inspiring others

Pastor Troy has always admired the motivation and commitments of leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez. He knew that in order to truly make a difference, he would have to overcome his surroundings in order to pursue a path that others thought would be impossible.  Yet, while stacked with the odds against him, Pastor Troy’s true desire for greatness drove him to successfully achieve two college degrees, both of which catapulted him to becoming a High School teacher, Administrator and Dean of Discipline.

Given his humble beginnings

Pastor Troy is quite humbled by the honor to lead an evangelistic, multi-cultural church that is “fanning the flames” of revival and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. And because his life is centered on helping people discover, develop and unleash their inherent gifts and talents, he launched the Rising Generation Leadership Training Program to equip those with the desire to lead with both the spiritual and practical tools to do so. Many people have come through the program completely transformed, ready and confident to take their rightful place in the Kingdom of God.